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Stop The Fear

STOP! Understand this. The separateness you see in others is an illusion. You are part of a whole. The whole of Humankind. Stop Killing NOW

There is no difference in any of you. It is an illusion. You are all ONE- Let go of the fear of colour, race, religion. It is an illusion.

STOP burying yourselves in hate. Stop immersing yourselves in fear. You are all one. There is no difference.

Use love as your strongest emotion. Use love when you see others before you. Use love in every breath, in every word, in every emotion

There is too much fear. Too much fear and misunderstanding. But you have to understand that there is no need for fear. You all know each other. You are not strangers. You come from the same place and you will go back to the same place. And there the illusion will fall, there is no separateness.

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