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The Limiting Belief Loop In Your Head

Just been listening to Dr Bruce Lipton about the Subconscious Mind and the Conscious Mind and why we have so much trouble dealing with the programming from our childhood.

The Conscious Mind – The Thinking Mind This is the spiritual connection, the source. Where our wishes, desires and aspirations come from; what you want in life. This mind operates at only 5% of the day and generally for most people only 1% of the day. The Subconscious Mind – A Machine

The Subconscious Mind is like a machine, a computer. It is programmed with limiting thoughts from your childhood by well-meaning (or not) parents, teachers, relatives etc These limiting thoughts are played over and over and if they are repeated enough times we believe them. Unless we change these limiting beliefs, we will live with them the whole of our lives and the problem is that we live 95% of our lives from the Subconscious Mind as opposed to only 5% from our Conscious Mind meaning that our lives are run by thoughts and beliefs that aren’t ours!

We get excited when we think if we suddenly become consciously aware of a problem, then we have solved it, but this isn’t so because although we have become aware of it, our subconscious mind that is working 95% of the day is still running the limited beliefs of other people, so although we are aware of the problem, the problem is still there.

How I reprogrammed my Subconscious Mind

These are some of the ways that have helped me. Maybe they'll help you.

  1. Positive affirmations

  2. Becoming aware of the thoughts that are running a loop in your head

  3. Falling in love with life

Positive Affirmations I think most people know how to do positive affirmations these days. If you don’t then feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to assist. This is another subject for another post on my blog!

Thought Awareness We all have thoughts that are continually playing a loop in our heads. For example ‘Oh no, its going to be one of those days’, or I’m always late for work’, or I’ll always be fat, I can’t lose weight’. We can’t stop thoughts, however, when we practice being aware of them, we notice the negative thoughts that appear. When they come up, don’t try to dismiss them, just do some positive affirmations i.e. Instead of ‘Oh no, its going to be one of those days’ affirm ‘My days always work out the best for me’. Instead of I’m always late for work’, affirm ‘ I have plenty of time to get to work, the traffic/public transport always works in my favour’. Instead of ‘I’ll always be fat, I can’t lose weight’, affirm ‘I love and listen to my body and feed it healthy nourishing foods’. Get the idea?

Fall in Love With Life How do you fall in love with life you ask. Well, how do you fall in love with another person? You see their best bits! You see their face, you appreciate their humour, their personality etc You fall in love with life the same way. You see the beauty of the flowers, the trees, you appreciate the sun, the rain, the cold days, the warm days, breathe in clear autumn air. Sense joy in spring time. Get excited at the first daffodil in March. Fall in love with children’s laughter, appreciate your dog’s happiness to see you whatever you’ve been like! Look for the beauty in everything you can and you will fall in love with life.

When you have managed to do these three things, then your subconscious mind will be reprogrammed to a greater extent and you’ll find that the limiting beliefs loop will not affect your life nearly as much.

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